DevOps, as a software development process, focuses on the useful collaboration between software developers, project managers, and operations staff. The key principle followed by the top DevOps service in India is constant delivery . With enhancing customer experience to quick bugs fixation, Openxcell works to build an application that empowers the value of your organization.
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    VisualCI is a CI/CD tool that supports rapid software development and publishing. VisualCI allows automation across the user’s pipeline, from code building, testing to deployment
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    You can integrate VisualCI with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, and Bitbucket to create builds when new code lines are committed. VisualCI also hosts continuous integration under the cloud-managed option or runs behind a firewall on private infrastructure.
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    Server Monitoring
    Server monitoring tools help users identify and solve any application hosting and performance issues by tracking and monitoring server performance. Applications Manager's server monitor provides unmatched visibility and insight into the performance of various servers in your IT infrastructure.
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    Monitor server performance metrics such as CPU utilization & Disk Utilization are critical attributes to keep an eye on to extrapolate the load on your CPU and assess the overall server memory utilization. You can understand the amount of load on the server by tracking parameters such as traffic, utilization and number of packets sent/received in the network interface.